Windows VPS – remote desktop

Get Windows 10/11 Pro or Windows Server in Russia, the Netherlands or the US in 5 minutes.
Work wherever it suits you.
In the office, at home, while traveling - your workplace will remain unchanged and maximally protected.

Choose your server

Cloud virtual servers on Windows platform for business:

  • Provide a comfortable remote work for yourself and your employees
  • Keep accounting and workflow on a cloud server to reduce the risk of information leakage and data loss.
  • Communicate with your customers from Europe, USA, Russia as if you are near them.
  • Reduce the office costs.

Cloud VPS based on Windows OS

  • Quickly obtained service

    You will receive a remote desktop with an installed system and completely ready to go in maximum 15 minutes after your successful payment

  • Easy access from various platforms

    Run Windows RDP from a variety of devices and platforms, from Android to Mac OS. All processes and calculations take place on a remote server and do not depend on the operating system of the input device.

  • Regional IP and choice of location

    Place Windows VPS in any of the available regions: USA, Russia, Western and Eastern Europe. The IP addresses will correspond to the selected region.

  • Server or desktop version of Windows to choose from

    Choose Windows server images if multiple users connect to VPS or if server tasks are to be solved, or choose Windows 10/11 Pro desktop image.

  • Free consultation, configuration and transfer

    We will offer you free consultation, will transfer your data, carry out the initial configuration and install additional programs. To do this, simply contact our support team..

  • Backup

    To configure a backup for all your remote office users is much easier. You can make backups at the same time, during non-working hours.

  • Security

    The security of working on Windows VPS in cloud is much higher than for personal or mobile devices. Data are protected from physical damage of equipment, security policies are much easier to be configured than on personal computers.

  • Timely and comfortable system updates

    Due to the fact that the server works non-stop, system updates can be carried out during non-working hours, for example, at night.

  • Easy scaling

    The pre-installed Cloud Init service allows you to easily increase VPS resources, configure the network, change the password.

  • Manage your licenses

    Windows VPS are offered under terms of BYOL (Bring Your Own License). So, you can use the licenses you possess or you can purchase the one you need from Microsoft. Initially, we offer Windows VPS with a 180-day trial license with the option to renew it.

Pre-installed set of programs for minimal resources:

  • Windows OS with a standard set of programs
  • Browsers for Internet activity: Chrome, Mozilla, Edge
  • Messengers: Skype, WhatsApp
  • Text editor: Notepad++
  • At the request, we will additionally install the software you need

Windows VPS Image Collection:

  • Remote desktop Windows 11 Pro
    • Improved performance and speed
    • Modern interface, updated design
    • Multitasking with new Snap features for a more efficient workflow
    • Remote Desktop Management (RDP)
    • Improved collaboration features
  • Remote desktop Windows 10 Pro
    • Supports remote control (RDP)
    • Less security restrictions while using Internet
    • Intended for personal use
    • Supports additional features for users: Cortana voice assistant, Microsoft Store, Edge, Timeline ...
  • Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019
    • Supports remote control (RDP)
    • More security restrictions
    • Designed for device management and includes network software
    • Less hardware limitations
    • Does not include additional features
    • Option to disable updates
  • Windows Server 2019 Essentials
    • Suitable for small offices
    • Designed to support a network of up to 25 devices
    • As for the rest the set of features is the same as that for Windows server
  • Windows Server 2016 Standard Core no GUI
    • Windows Server without a graphical shell
    • Designed to perform basic administration tasks
    • Can be managed via command line or Windows PowerShell
    • Requires fewer resources
    • Less vulnerabilities

Ordering additional computing power

  • Additional disks
  • SSD disks $ 2 for every 20 GB
  • HDD disks $ 2 for every 60 GB
  • The total amount of additional disks up to 10 TB
  • RAM
  • It is possible to upgrade the RAM at the rate of $ 5 for every 2 Gb RAM
  • The total amount of RAM - up to 32 Gb
  • Processor
  • Each additional core $ 2.5
  • The total number of processor cores - up to 6 cores per 1 VPS

Additional options

  • Additional IP addresses
  • Price for an additional IP address - $2
  • You can order up to 32 additional IPs per server
  • Traffic consumption
  • For any configuration, 5TB of traffic per month is included for free
  • • You can increase the volume of traffic while placing an order or upgrade your tariff while using it
  • Price for additional traffic - $ 15 for every 10 TB
  • In case of traffic overrun, the connection speed is reduced to 10 Mbps
  • If you need more than 50 TB of traffic, we can provide an individual price. Write to get an offer
  • 24/7 monitoring sites and servers
  • review reports and charts on the status of your projects
  • track non-stop availability of servers and websites
  • receive alerts by email and Telegram
  • Learn more about monitoring


What are the minimum system requirements for Windows VPS?
To ensure a stable and comfortable activity, we offer configurations from 1 Core / 4 Mb RAM / 20 Gb SSD or 60 Gb HDD and more.
How much disk space does Windows OS take up?
Windows 11 Pro takes up approximately 25Gb of disk space, Windows 10 Pro - 17Gb, Windows 2019 Standard/Essentials - 17Gb, Windows server 2016 Standard Core no GUI - 14Gb.
How long can I use a trial license?
A trial license for Windows VPS is valid for 180 days. It can be renewed twice for the same period.
Can I change the Windows image on my VPS?
Yes, you can. This is similar to system reinstalling. To carry out the change, contact our technical support team.
How to increase or decrease the Windows virtual server resources.
You can easily increase any Windows VPS resources: the number of cores, the amount of RAM and hard disk volume, as well as reduce the number of processor cores or RAM. To do this, you have to place an order to increase the resources, from your personal account. Reducing the hard disk on which the operating system is installed requires technical works, which are paid additionally.
Can I install additional software on Windows VPS?
Yes, you can. You can do it by yourself or contact our technical support team.
Can Windows Server be used simultaneously for hosting Internet sites and as a remote desktop?
Websites are an open ecosystem prone to many threats. Thus, for security reasons, we recommend using separate servers for hosting sites.
What IP address will have my Windows VPS?
We support IP V4 protocol. Your virtual server will receive the regional IP of the country you have chosen to host the server (Russia, the Netherlands, USA or Moldova). IP addresses are assigned automatically by local ISPs. We do not influence the IP addresses allocation.

Still have questions?

Fill in the form to get a free consultation from our specialists.

This service is often ordered together with:

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